Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sensors to have 50% plus Smart Grid market share, and other stories

1) Smart Sensors and Devices to have 50% Smart Grid market share by 2014 

The founder editor of SmartGridNews, Jesse Berst, reported that Smart Sensors and Devices will have 50% Smart Grid market share by 2014. According to the author, the Smart Sensor represents $89.6 billion opportunity and is set to eclipse all the other Smart Grid areas. 

2) The evolution of Demand Response

The article provides information about evolution of Demand Response

3) How many Smart Meters will be deployed by 2015?

According to IDC Energy Insight, there will be half-a-billion smart meters by 2015. The smart meters adoption in US have been high recently, and the Asia-pacific primarily China and Europe will be the key drivers for the smart meters growth in next 5- 10 years. On Average, 74.6 million smart meters will be installed per year by 2015.

4) Smart Grid investment to reach $80 Billion in Europe by 2020

Europe being one of the early adopter of Smart Grid and smart meters will see $80 billion smart grid investment from 2010 - 2020 according to Pike Research.

5) Smart Grid more than Fad - Survey

A survey conducted by Microsoft reveals that 70% of respondents believes Smart Grid will help solve tomorrows challenges.

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