Wednesday, July 21, 2010

International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) Launched at Clean Energy Ministerial Meet

The first ever inter-ministerial summit on clean energy was held on 19-20 July at Washington DC, USA. The event hosted by United States was attended by delegates from 23 other countries which together account for 70% of global emission and 80 % of gross domestic product. " The Clean Energy Ministerial has brought together  leader from around the world to take unprecedented action to deploy clean energy technologies - from energy efficiency to renewable energy to smart grids to carbon capture. These steps will promote economic growth, create jobs and cut greenhouse gas emissions." said the US Secretary Chu. The just concluded clean energy ministerial meet launched 11 new initiative to accelerate global transition to clean energy. These initiative will save energy equivalent to 500 new midsize power-plants in next 20 years, promote rapid development for Electric Vehicle, support the growing global market of renewable and carbon capture technologies, bring solar lantern and other improved energy services to 10 million people who do not have access to grid electricity, and encourage women to pursue career in clean energy.

The 11 clean energy initiative are launched under the three broad categories namely Global Energy Efficiency Challenge (5 initiatives), Clean Energy Supply (4 initiatives), and Clean Energy Access (2 initiatives).

Global Energy Efficiency Challenge: Under this program Governments launched 5 initiatives that will help cut energy waste around the world. 
  1. The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) aims to transform the global market for energy using equipment or appliances.
  2. The Global Superior Energy Performance (GSEP) is focused towards large buildings and industrial facilities which accounts for 60% of worldwide energy use. This initiative will help them measure and reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission over time through incentivize certificate program. 
  3. International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN) will accelerate the development and deployment of Smart Grid across the globe through high level government cooperation, sharing best practices, technical assistance, project coordination, and wherever possible integration of renewable energy sources. It will also help measure and manage the energy use of the consumers, improve the reliability of electricity, and promote the fuel efficient electric vehicles. ISGAN is set to complement Global Smart Grid Federation, which is association of "associations" of the Smart Grid stakeholders.  The network will facilitate cooperation in Smart Grid policy, Smart Grid standards, regulations and finance, technology research development and demonstration, workforce skills and knowledge development, and consumer participation at all levels. ISGAN participants include, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, the European Commission, France, India, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
  4. Electric Vehicle Initiative (EVI) aims to help countries deliver on their respective EV deployment programs through sister city collaboration, key technology co-operation, and through deployment of best practices. 
  5. Clean Energy Solution Centers will serve as clearinghouse for policy information supporting at least 100 technology and policy experts with initial focus on energy efficiency. 
Clean Energy Supply: The Governments launched four initiative under this program to speed up the deployment of low carbon energy resources around the globe. 
  1. Carbon Capture, Use, and Storage (CCUS) Action Group will work to overcome barriers to CCUS deployment in five key areas: Strategic directions, use and storage, financing, regulation, and knowledge sharing. CCUS action group is collaboration between government and businesses. 
  2. Multilateral Solar and Wind Working group will promote the global solar and wind technology market through initial projects like Global Solar and Wind Atlas and Long-Term Strategy on Joint Capacity Building.
  3. Sustainable Development of Hydropower Initiative aims to promote sustainable development of cost-effective hydropower in developing countries 
  4. Multilateral Bioenergy Working Group will focus towards deployment of bioenergy technologies through two initial projects Global Bioenergy Atlas and Long-Term Strategy on Joint Capacity Building.
Clean Energy Access: Two new initiative were launched under this program to expand access of clean energy revolution 
  1. Solar And LED Energy Access Program (SLED) focuses on 1.6 billion people who do not have access to grid electricity with an objective to transform market for clean and affordable off-grid appliance like solar LED by addressing fundamental market barriers.
  2. Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C-3E) Women's Initiative aims to encourage women to pursue career in clean energy and lend their innovative power to clean energy technologies. 
This event will be held every year, the United Arab Emirates will be hosting the 2011 event and in 2012 it will be held in the United Kingdom.

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